Monday, March 14, 2011

Hank Hewson | Party Like a Rockstar!

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday dear Henry
happy birthday to you...

Henry Parker Hewson was born one year ago today, but we met up this past Saturday to celebrate a little early.  I met Hank and his parents, Amanda and Ricky, last year when I photographed their wedding at the Monte Villa Farmhouse.  I absolutely adore this family and it was such a pleasure to hang out with them once again. How completely adorable are Hank's little cupcake and party hat?  Momma Hewson, you did a stellar job and I'm sure that Hank's circus-themed party (minus the clowns of course) is going to be a huge success!

I was actually fortunate enough to take home my own set of yellow cupcakes and while I agree that they were totally super-yummy-awesome, I decided it best to refrain from Hank's same unbridled voraciousness.  Perhaps on my own birthday I'll throw caution to the wind and get a little messy myself, Hank certainly made it look fun.

A very Happy Birthday to you little man,  I can't wait to share more camera time with you soon!


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